Henry Boucha obituary and dead, Minnesota hockey legend death

Henry Boucha, who became a high school hockey legend when he led Warroad to the 1969 Minnesota state championship, has died at age 72. His death was confirmed Monday by his daughter Tara. Boucha, an Ojibwe man who championed Native American causes, also played in the NHL, World Hockey Association and the U.S. Olympic team, winning a silver medal in 1972.

“He’s truly a legend in the state of Minnesota,” War Road boys lacrosse coach Jay Hardwick said. “When people talk about Battle Road hockey and the state championship, Henry will always be a part of it.”

Aiming to stay on the ice all game, Buchar played defense in high school and scored 60 goals as a senior. Warrod faced Edina in the state championship game and lost 5-4 in overtime when Bouchar suffered an eardrum injury while checking a rebound, forcing him to leave the game. At this time, Warroad’s graduating class numbered 38 people.

There were 15,066 spectators at the Metro Center, the largest attendance for a high school hockey game in Minnesota at that time.

The Warriors qualified for the state tournament through the “back door” — beating Everest in overtime after losing to Roseau in the group finals. They then defeated Roseau 3-2 in a rematch of the state semifinals.

Bouchard was also an all-conference player in ice hockey and baseball and briefly played junior hockey in Canada the following year before joining the U.S. Army.

Selected by Detroit in the second round of the 1971 NHL draft, he made his debut for the Red Wings after the Olympics and had a strong performance with 14 goals and 14 assists in the 1972-73 season.

As a pro, he wears a unique headband that makes him easily recognizable on the ice. But his career took a dramatic turn when he moved to the North Stars. During a game in 1975, he was hit with a stick by Boston forward Dave Forbes and suffered a serious eye injury that would plague his career. Forbes was charged with aggravated assault and a jury returned the verdict at his trial. The NHL suspended Forbes for 10 games, and Bouchar eventually won a $1 million settlement against Forbes.

“I still have trouble backing up or driving at night,” he told the Star Tribune in 2004. “I will deal with this issue until the day I die.”

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